ZGCTA Activities

The Secretary-General of the Alliance attended the Outcome Release Conference of China's State-owned Enterprises in Implementing the New Strategy of Energy Security and the outcome release ceremony of the 5th "Liupukang Energy Forum".

Date:2024-08-12 17:23


On August 8th, the Outcome Release Conference of China's State-owned Enterprises in Implementing the New Strategy of Energy Security and the outcome release ceremony of the 5th "Liupukang Energy Forum” was held at the Party School of CHN Energy Investment Group. Yan Guochun, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy General Manager of CHN Energy Investment Group, attended the opening ceremony of the forum and delivered a speech. With the theme of "Implementing the New Strategy of Energy Security and Accelerating the Construction of a New Energy System”, the forum was hosted by the Technology and Economics Institute of CHN Energy Investment Group. Several sessions such as speeches, keynote speeches, outcome releases, think tank views and closed-door seminars were arranged. Xue Yusheng, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as other six experts made keynote reports. Nearly 200 people from more than 70 entities and industry associations, enterprises and think tanks in the energy industry attended the meeting.

Secretary-General of ZGC Global High-Level Think Tank Alliance (hereinafter referred to as "Think Tank Alliance") Li Junkai was invited to attend the forum. She participated in the release ceremony of two important achievements including "Cases of China's State-owned Enterprises Implementing the New Strategy of "Four Revolutions and One Cooperation" and “China Energy Outlook 2060" on behalf of the Think Tank Alliance.